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Please pay attention to all buyers and friends, please look for the "MRL" trademark when buying products, in case you buy counterfeit and shoddy products. The difference between a genuine product and a counterfeit product is that the counterfeit product has a large smell and is rough in work, and there are cases where the serious picture is different from the real product. Please look for the purchase
Why buy from us: 1.Top Quality Guarantee. 2.Material Made in Japan. 3.Soft like baby skin . 4. Promotion price, directly from factory, the Best Price in Aliexpress. 5. 100% true Japan Porn actor pussy imitation, 1 to 1 ture size, what you get is the real. 6.Please look for the MRL anti-counterfeit label before buying to prevent the purchase of fake products. Product Information: Size: Virgin: 210*120*80mm Mature: 175*120*80mm Weight: Virgin: 856g Mature: 593g Material: Made in Japan, soft TPE, Non-toxic environmental protection. Production standards: ISO9001-2008 Quality Standard: Q/CGMRL-2009/-GP Attention: WE protect your privacy, we promise send your products in a secret condition,the packaging dont have any pictures and words about sex.
Please pay attention to all buyers and friends, please look for the "MRL" trademark when buying products, in case you buy counterfeit and shoddy products. The difference between a genuine product and a counterfeit product is that the counterfeit product has a large smell and is rough in work, and there are cases where the serious picture is different from the real product. Please look for the purchase
Why buy from us: 1.Top Quality Guarantee. 2.Material Made in Japan. 3.Soft like baby skin . 4. Promotion price, directly from factory, the Best Price in Aliexpress. 5. 100% true Japan Porn actor pussy imitation, 1 to 1 ture size, what you get is the real. 6.Please look for the MRL anti-counterfeit label before buying to prevent the purchase of fake products. Product Information: Size: Virgin: 210*120*80mm Mature: 175*120*80mm Weight: Virgin: 856g Mature: 593g Material: Made in Japan, soft TPE, Non-toxic environmental protection. Production standards: ISO9001-2008 Quality Standard: Q/CGMRL-2009/-GP Attention: WE protect your privacy, we promise send your products in a secret condition,the packaging dont have any pictures and words about sex.
About how to use Credit/Debit card payment please click HERE
The dispatch warehouse is based in the HongKong and every item we show in stock is available and we need about 1-3 working days to prepare your goods.
We promise send your products in a secret condition, without any pictures and words about sex.
Deliver time about:
To Tailand (5-15 business days)
To Singapore (7-18 business days)
To Malaysia (5-18 business days)
To Indonesia (10-22 business days)
To Philippines (10-22 business days)
To Vietnam (5-15 business days)
Tips: All products with built-in batteries will be shipped separately. Delivery time will be delayed by a few days compared to those without built-in batteries.
Once your order ships you will receive a shipping confirmation email containing a link to track your delivery.
The team of has been engaged in e-commerce for many years, so you can rest assured to buy our products, we will provide you with the best quality products and services.
About how to use Credit/Debit card payment please click HERE
The dispatch warehouse is based in the HongKong and every item we show in stock is available and we need about 1-3 working days to prepare your goods.
We promise send your products in a secret condition, without any pictures and words about sex.
Deliver time about:
To Tailand (5-15 business days)
To Singapore (7-18 business days)
To Malaysia (5-18 business days)
To Indonesia (10-22 business days)
To Philippines (10-22 business days)
To Vietnam (5-15 business days)
Tips: All products with built-in batteries will be shipped separately. Delivery time will be delayed by a few days compared to those without built-in batteries.
Once your order ships you will receive a shipping confirmation email containing a link to track your delivery.
The team of has been engaged in e-commerce for many years, so you can rest assured to buy our products, we will provide you with the best quality products and services.